This Universe is 110% okey!

Discourse to the exclusion of Resurrection on 21-12-2012, I confidently say that the universe is one hundred and ten percent of both fine and there's nothing we need to worry about. THERE SOME REASON WHY AM I thought so.
First reason
discourse of Resurrection at 21 December 2012 came after dilirisnya hollywood movie titled Doomsday 2012. Prediction own virtual tribe exists and has learned many astronomers and experts in this field since a very long time, maybe even since the tribe virtual make calendar. But why discourse end of the world emerging in the year 2009?
The second reason
What right have we to guess about kiyamat day?
What we are not aware as a religious man to keep in mind that our ability to think is very limited. even humans can create something more intelligent from him, like a sophisticated computer system, but human beings can only make and does not match the sophistication of manufacture is not it?
The third reason
until this moment I personally still can breathe with relief, breathe fresh air for free, sleep well, and so forth. This is all at least indicate that this system is still running normally.

Damages on earth
When talking about corruption in the earth, obviously I agree!. Earth is already broken a long time and worse at the present time. Look at everywhere deforestation, air pollution, marine pollution, even where the land is also where. And who ruin it? none other than the inhabitants of the earth itself that is human.
On the other hand, is exactly what we should be cautious with is ourselves, small Qiyamat will happen to every human life. Is there anything you can guess when coming and when it come from? Is there someone who was able to even guess memebak something someone's death or the death of his own? If so then I dare to guess my own death. Write down and let a few people to witness his prediction.
Therefore, let us thing about other things more useful than talking about kiyamat day, such as spreading kindness to others in order to create security and peace in this life.
Thanks, hopefully bermanfa'at.

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