Apakah pengguna internet di Indonesia sudah siap dengan koneksi broadband hingga 100Mbps download dan 50 Mbps untuk upload? dengan menggunakan jaringan "the real 4G" LTE?. Ya.. Indosat sebagai provider, berkolaborasi dengan Nokia-Siemen yang tentunya sebagai penyedia alat-alat, dikabarkan sukses meng-ujicobakan jaringan LTE yang juga dikenal sebagai FDD-LTE Category 3 (Cat3) di Surabaya dan Bali. Berikut ringkasa berita yang saya liput dari berbagai sumber.
Indosat menggandeng Nokia Siemens Networks melakukan ujicoba jaringan LTE (Long Term Evolution) di Bali dan Surabaya. Trial ini menggunakan frekuensi 1800MHz - spektrum yang saat ini digunakan Indosat untuk jaringan 3G HSDPA dan 3.5G HSPA yang selanjutnya mereka sebut dengan "re-farming". Komersial direncanakan 2-3 tahun mendatang, artinya kurang lebih pada tahun 2014-2015. Hasil ujicoba dinyatakan sukses, pemerintah (urusan Pos dan Telekomunikasi) dikabarkan sudah menerima laporan data hasil ujicoba dan sedang dipertimbangkan. Ujicoba LTE Indosat 4G di Surabaya dilaksanakan pada Senin, 17 Oktober2 011 disaksikan Direktur Pos dan Telekomunikasi Muhammad Budi Setiawan. Itulah beritanya.
Sebagai catatan, saat ini pengguna internet mobie (broadband) di Indonesia mempunyai beberapa pilihan koneksi internet "lumayan cepat", sebut saja EVDO nya Smart Telecom (yangkonon juga punya EVDO Rev. B), AHA Internet nya Bakrie Telekom, HSPA 3.5 G nya Indosat, Telkomsel, Three, XL dan lainnya. Tetapi masalah klasik masih menyelimuti mereka termasuk perihal coverage area yang masih sangat terbatas. Nah sekarang kita berharap LTE Indosat 4G akan benar-benar hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan "penggila" koneksi internet super cepat hingga 100 Mbps pada 2013 - 2014 mendatang.
Silahkan diperiksa sendiri Press Release Indosat LTE Nokia Siemens Networks berikut ini:
Indosat menggandeng Nokia Siemens Networks melakukan ujicoba jaringan LTE (Long Term Evolution) di Bali dan Surabaya. Trial ini menggunakan frekuensi 1800MHz - spektrum yang saat ini digunakan Indosat untuk jaringan 3G HSDPA dan 3.5G HSPA yang selanjutnya mereka sebut dengan "re-farming". Komersial direncanakan 2-3 tahun mendatang, artinya kurang lebih pada tahun 2014-2015. Hasil ujicoba dinyatakan sukses, pemerintah (urusan Pos dan Telekomunikasi) dikabarkan sudah menerima laporan data hasil ujicoba dan sedang dipertimbangkan. Ujicoba LTE Indosat 4G di Surabaya dilaksanakan pada Senin, 17 Oktober2 011 disaksikan Direktur Pos dan Telekomunikasi Muhammad Budi Setiawan. Itulah beritanya.
Sebagai catatan, saat ini pengguna internet mobie (broadband) di Indonesia mempunyai beberapa pilihan koneksi internet "lumayan cepat", sebut saja EVDO nya Smart Telecom (yang
Silahkan diperiksa sendiri Press Release Indosat LTE Nokia Siemens Networks berikut ini:
Indosat, Nokia Siemens Networks conduct Indonesia’s first 1800 MHz LTE trial
Jakarta, Indonesia – October 21, 2011
Showcase operator’s readiness to reuse existing spectrum for future 4G deployment
Indosat, Indonesia’s leading operator, and Nokia Siemens Networks have successfully conducted the country’s first Long Term Evolution (LTE) field trial in the 1800 MHz band. The trial is based on FDD-LTE (frequency division duplex) technology and showcases Indosat’s network readiness to re-farm the existing 1800 MHz frequency band. The trial took place in Surabaya and Bali in the presence of government representatives and regulatory authorities.
During the trial, the companies showcased innovative applications such as e-doctor and e-education in the cities of Surabaya and Denpasar, which enabled a patient to remotely consult a doctor, and a lecturer to teach students, through video conferencing. In addition, 3D video streaming and CCTV camera surveillance were demonstrated.
“LTE brings a new generation of communications to Indonesia,” said Hans C. Moritz, director and chief technology officer, Indosat. “Nokia Siemens Networks was an obvious choice for the trial due to its large installed base and ability to deliver LTE in the 1800 MHz frequency band. The company’s technology leadership and excellent support services can help us re-use our existing 1800 MHz band, currently used for 2G services, for future LTE services.”
“Use of mobile broadband is growing at an unprecedented rate in Indonesia. Operators, therefore need to increase their focus on accommodating data traffic and providing faster data services,” added Harald Preiss, head of the customer team at Nokia Siemens Networks. “With LTE, operators such as Indosat will be able to offer increased throughput of up to 100 Mbps with a latency, or delay of only 10 milliseconds. More importantly, operators will be able to reduce cost per bit by up to 50%.”
Nokia Siemens Networks provided its commercial, end-to-end, LTE solution for the field trial. This included a radio network based on the Flexi Multiradio Base Station and Evolved Packed Core*, comprising Flexi NS (Network Server) and Flexi NG (Network Gateway). It also provided its Home Subscriber Server (HSS) to manage subscriber-related information and provide user authentication and authorization. Nokia Siemens Networks also provided network installation, commissioning and integration services.
About Indosat
Indosat is the leading telecommunication and information operator in Indonesia which provides cellular service through Indosat’s Card for Indosat’s product Mobile, IM3 powered by Indosat and Indosat Internet, fixed telecommunication services or fixed voice services (such as International Long Distance Call 001, 008 and FlatCall 01016, fixed wireless services namely StarOne and I-Phone). Also, Indosat is a fixed data communication service operator (MIDI) through the optic network of sea cable and land cable, microwave radio, or satellite (through Palapa Satellite D and Palapa Satellite C2), and used for the customer services along with its subsidiaries namely Indosat Mega Media (IM2) and Lintasarta. Indosat also provides a 3.5 G cellular service with HSPA+ technology. Indosat’s shares have been registered at Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange (JSX:ISAT) and shares in a form of American Depositary Shares registered at New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:IIT).
About Nokia Siemens Networks
Nokia Siemens Networks is a leading global enabler of telecommunications services. With its focus on innovation and sustainability, the company provides a complete portfolio of mobile, fixed and converged network technology, as well as professional services including consultancy and systems integration, deployment, maintenance and managed services. It is one of the largest telecommunications hardware, software and professional services companies in the world. Operating in 150 countries, its headquarters are in Espoo, Finland. www.nokiasiemensnetworks.com
wah belum nyoba nih porduk indosat yg satu ini...
mantap update banget bang
makasih banyak atas semua info nya ,,,,,,,,,,
2014 baru komersil katanya..
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